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junio 2024

Music for a Nation…by A Lady @ Colonial Williamsburg

27 junio, 2024 @ 5:30 - 18:30
Hennage Auditorium,
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation , VA Estados Unidos
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Hennage Auditorium, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation 5:30pm–6:30pm: Open Recital ”Music for a Nation…by A Lady”, by Patricia Garcia Gil and ”A Revolutionary Inspiration”, by Gail Olszewski

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Cultural & Material Histories of Historical Keyboard Instruments Colonial British America; American Revolution

26 junio, 2024 @ 0:00 - 29 junio, 2024 @ 0:00
Colonial Williamsburg, VA,
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2024 HKSNA Annual Conference in Virginia at Historic Colonial Williamsburg

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“Making a Diference in Early Music” EPLC Mixer

23 junio, 2024 @ 19:00 - 20:00

Join the Emerging Professional Leadership Council of Early Music America and engage in conversation with featured members of the team that are working to add to EMA and their community.

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“Our Most Honored Guests” – IDEA project with Assai ad Libitum

14 junio, 2024 @ 14:00 - 15:00
1400 spring garden street, Greensboro, NC 27412 Estados Unidos
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“Our most honored guests: Early music for children with special needs.” Assai Ad Libitum is a trio consisting of fortepiano (Patricia García Gil), period violin (Sophie Genevieve Lowe), and period cello (Ryan Lowe). This project, awarded with an Inclusion Diversity Equity and Accessibility grant from the Visual and Performing Arts School at UNCG, aims to inspire young students with special needs in the Greensboro area to have an encounter with early music with a free and disability accessible concert, especially…

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mayo 2024

Bloomington Early Music Festival 2024: Early Music in Exile

19 mayo, 2024 @ 8:00 - 25 mayo, 2024 @ 17:00
Bloomington Early Music Festival,
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Assai Ad Libitum Presents “The Great Fear:” Musical Exiles of the French Revolution Patricia Garcia Gil, fortepiano Ryan Lowe, violoncello Sophie Genevieve Lowe, violin   Sonatine No. 2 in E minor for Violin and Cello……….Pierre Louis Hus-Desforges (1773-1838) I.               All. Maestoso II.             Minuetto (14 Minutes)   Gavotte for Cello and Pianoforte…………………….Étienne Nicolas Méhul (1763 – 1817)  (3 minutes)   Sonata No. 1 in D Major for Fortepiano…

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febrero 2024

International Fortepiano Salon: Dancing the Minuet to the Fortepiano

18 febrero, 2024 @ 14:00 - 15:00
International Fortepiano Salon,
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The Baroque minuet contained all the musical attributes that would make it remain as the most popular dance form- whether to be danced or not- throughout the 18th century: a pleasing character, a simple texture, and regular, clearly delineated phrases. When playing minuets on the fortepiano, how do you make them dance? By asking a choreographer of course! Join choreographer Julia Bengtsson and fortepianist Patricia Garcia Gil in an exploration of the inherent connection between dance and music.   BIOS:…

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